Middle School Kids Making Video Games
Are you bored of computer science classes? Need something more fun? Welcome to the world of gaming! If these kids can make video games, then so can you! They have never programmed be…
How a Game Is Made
Want to see how your favorite video game was created? There are so many steps to create a video game from imagining to designing to actually playing the game. Watch and read how here!
Video Games for President Obama
President Obama wants YOU to create your own video game! He supports the National STEM Video Game Challenge, which offers prizes for kids who design the best video game. Read about h…
Biggest University Hackathon in the World
Hackers have a bad reputation, but did you know that in the tech world the term hack just means build? In September of 2013, over 1,000 programmers gathered at Penn to put their progr…
Cats Help Robots
Have you ever wondered why cats can always fall on their feet? Researchers and roboticists have! These scientists are trying to understand how falling cats always land on their feet s…