Giant Hexagon on Saturn
Did you know that there's a giant hexagon on Saturn? Well, there is, and scientists think they may have an explanation!
Snake in Missouri
There's a snake in Missouri that was able to reproduce without a male partner! Learn about how this happened, and how this is normal for certain types of snakes!
Arctic Storage Cube
Did you know that the world has an arctic storage cube? Well, there is one! Learn the science behind it now!
Sea Otters with Asthma
The first sea otter with asthma learned how to use an inhaler! The inhaler is not a human inhaler, but it isn't a sea otter inhaler either! It's a cat inhaler! Learn more about this now!
Cooking with Chemistry
Do you like to cook? Are you a science nerd? Well, there is a cook book specifically for science nerds!
Science in Hollywood
There's science in everything, even movies! Science has helped Hollywood in so many ways!
Is Yeast Alive?
Do you know if yeast is alive? Well, do this fun activity and find out!
Do you want to learn about evolution? Well, do these fun activities and learn all about it!
Human Physiology
Do you know about human physiology and homeostasis? Well, do these activities, and you'll be a master!
Unusual Solar System?
Do you think our solar system is unusual compared to others? Well, this depends on masses of planets, age, location, and more! The article states that our solar system is pretty normal!
The video shows NASA's MAVEN which is flying above Mars to see how Mars lost its atmosphere and water!
Exploded Star
The Hubble Telescrope looked at an exploded star and zoomed in on part of it! This can tell us about the formation of future stars and planets, or even life!
Fibonacci Numbers
Do you like math? Well, math is exciting and inspiring! Watch this TED talk by the Mathemagician, Arthur Benjamin, and learn about the magic behind Fibonacci numbers!
PBS LearningMedia
PBS has free videos and lessons to teach Science, Social Studies, Math, and English to students in all grade levels!
There was a supermoon yesterday! Did you see it? If you missed it, or if you just want more information, read this article!
Water on Mars
Do you think that there is life on Mars? Well, scientists found liquid water which shows that there is a possibility!
Antarctic Engineer
Do you have what it takes to be an antarctic engineer? Jim O'Sullivan does! O'Sullivan worked on systems in Antarctica that collected ice samples, and now he's working with scientists…
Artificial Intelligence and Toyota's Cars
Toyota wants to use artificial intelligence to create uncrashable cars! These cars would have sensors, and the car would step in and start driving on its own to fix any problems if it…
Paper Art Solar Cells
The Japanese art of paper cutting has been determined to be a useful tool in creating solar cells!
Tattoos and Health Problems
The article describes the negative health effects of tattoos. They can cause infections and allergic reactions, but they can also cover up skin diseases and prevent early treatment of…