Face Scanning Police Sunglasses
Think you're quick at facial recognition? Well, these "Robocop" sunglasses can scan hundreds of faces per second! Check out this article to learn how the police may be taking face rec…
Head Buzz Recognition
People can use your eyes, fingerprint, and now even the buzz of your head to recognize you! The way your skull conducts sound can be used to recognize you! Learn more about the new st…
Bulging Esophagus
A man had surgery on his esophagus 50 years ago, but he faced some serious side effects just recently. The man suffered from bulging esophagus. Learn more about it now!
Sneezing in Threes
Why do people sneeze in threes? There's science behind it! Learn about why people sneeze multiple times in a row!
Bad Tasting Water
You're water can taste funny and like a bunch of different things, but why? What does the water taste like, and what does this mean?
Unusual Cause of Paranoia
A woman had an unusual development of paranoia and delusions. Doctors were surprised and found that this was caused by a large cyst. Learn more about the case!
Brain Hemorrhages
Do you know what a brain hemorrhage is? Learn all about the causes, symptoms, and treatments!
7 Emergency Surgeries
There are 7 most common emergency surgeries! Altogether, these 7 are also associated with the highest complication rate. However, this doesn't mean that all of these surgeries are dan…
Do you know what whiplash is? Well, learn all about the symptoms, causes, and treatments now!
Bottled Water Virus
Would you expect water bottles to make you sick? Well, it happened in Spain! Bottled water was contaminated with a virus and affected a large number of people!
The Old Farmers Almanac for Kids
Do you want to learn about the weather, the outdoors, or your pets? Well learn all about those things and more in the Old Farmers Almanac for Kids!
Science of Baseball
Do you love sports, especially baseball? Well, learn all the science behind it now!
Planet Viewing
Did you know that sometimes you can see the planets in the night sky without a telescope? In this article, you can learn about the best times for planet viewing!
New Archaeocetes from Peru Are the Oldest Fossil Whales from South America
Scientists trace the origin of an animal through discovering fossils. Learn how a new discovery is helping them do this.
Deep Reef Observation Project (DROP)
Do you want to learn about DROP? Read this article to learn about this cool project which seeks to learn more about underwater sea habitats.
Indonesia advances most ambitious biometric-based national identity card project
Read about how Indonesia is planning the world's most ambitious national identity card project for its citizens based on biometrics!
10 Incredible Underwater Volcanoes
In this article, you can see pictures of 10 of the most magnificent underwater volcanoes and learn about what makes them special! Do you know how volcanoes form underground?
Microbes Thrive in Deepest Spot on Earth
Does life exist in the depts of our planet? Scientists have discovered that bacteria is thriveing in the deepest underwater trench on Earth! Learn about this discovery in this article.
Aurora Borealis Explained
Do you know all about the Aurora Borealis? Watch these beautiful lights and learn how the sun is involved in their creation.
Soda Speeds Aging
Everyone always says that soda is bad for you! Now, scientists have proven this to be true! According to research, drinking one soda a day adds 1.9 years of aging onto your cells!