Make a Smart Umbrella
Do you think your umbrella should be able to remind you to take it with you when the weather forecast calls for rain? Now you can create an umbrella that will do that for you! Be sure…
Rubber Band Racer
Learn to build your own little race-car and race it against your friends! You can build one with simple items from around your house! Learn how to build your own rubber band racer!
Program a Friend
Learn how robot programming works by creating an obstacle course and guiding your friends through it with step by step directions. Can you get your friends through the maze without ma…
Sketching Gadget Anatomy
Robots are complex machines that work using a variety of different mechanisms. Read this page on "The Elements of Machines" and then examine a small machine and sketch it to figure ou…
Build a simple hovercraft at home! Read the instructions carefully and when you're done, see if you can make the design even better!
Mechanical Grabber
Using materials around your house follow the instructions to design and build a mechanical grabber. The kids that developed this project needed a tool to pick up trash around their co…
Robot Movement
Build a robot and learn how it moves.
Hazardous Duty Robots
In this project, you will learn about three dangerous situations where a robot could be used- a terrorist bomb threat, a land mine patrol and a nuclear disaster. Then meet the three …
Curriculum: Learning Roomba
Have you ever wanted your very own robot? Here's your chance! Learn how to build and control a robot with your classmates! Learn how to build and control a robot using iRobot's Roo…
Building a Simple Robot From Scratch
Using only a few materials including LED lights and a toy car or tank you can follow the directions in this video and build a custom robot at home! Have fun and be creative to make yo…
Science Projects: Robot Project
Learn how to make a robot out of common household items, or using an electronics kit such as Lego Mindstorms NXT.
Ribbon Wind Sock
Create a decoration for outside your house! Watch the colors in the wind and see which direction the wind blows.
Making Faces
Robots are easier to relate to and even understand when they have human-like characteristics or appearance. Try out this activitiy to create a face and make it convey different emotions!
Furby Autopsy
A lot of toys today are types of robots. A great way to learn about how these fun robots work is by taking them apart, or performing an "autopsy." This activity explains the steps to …
Virtual Robotics Lab
Follow your advisor, Mr. Roboto through the robotics lab and learn about a virtual robot named Iris. In this activity you will study, build and interact with Iris and find out how she…
Program a Robot
It's usually really easy to understand what someone is asking us to do, but it isn't always easy if you're a robot. Try this activity with your friends and learn why it's important to…
Build a Virtual Robot
This game is great! You can build your own robot - chose the eyes, ears, legs, arms and then you can print a poster of your creation! You can even choose the music you listen to whi…
Microbot Menace Game
It looks like a swarm of microbots has invaded the city. It is your job to defeat their evil plan! This game comes complete with radar to see where the microbots are in the city. Ar…
Robotics Activities
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